🚨 Rug Pulls in Cryptocurrency: How This Scam Works and How to Avoid It

Jaime Hernández
3 min readFeb 19, 2025


Cryptocurrency scams have evolved over time, and one of the most common is the Rug Pull. In this post, I’ll explain in a simple way what a rug pull is, how it works technically, and how attackers can use Python bots to manipulate prices.

💰 What is a Rug Pull?

A rug pull is a scam in which cryptocurrency developers artificially inflate the value of a token and then withdraw all liquidity, leaving investors with worthless coins.

Essentially, they make you believe you’re buying a promising cryptocurrency, but when you try to sell it, you realize it has lost all value because the creators have disappeared with the money.

🔍 How Does a Rug Pull Work?

A rug pull typically follows these steps:

Creating a Token 🛠️

  • Scammers create a new token on a blockchain like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  • They promote the project with misleading marketing to attract investors.

Adding Liquidity to a DEX 📈

  • The scammers add liquidity to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap or PancakeSwap.
  • This allows anyone to buy and sell the token.

Manipulating the Price with Bots 🤖

  • They use Python scripts to buy and sell the token, creating the illusion of high demand and trading volume.
  • This attracts more investors who see the price rising.

Pulling the Liquidity 💸

  • Once enough people have invested, the developers sell their tokens massively or block selling for others, withdrawing all liquidity.
  • The token price crashes, and investors are left with worthless cryptocurrency.

🤖 Rug Pull in Action with a Python Bot

1️⃣ Creating a Token and Adding Liquidity (Hypothetical Example)

Scammers can use a library like web3.py to interact with the blockchain and create a token.

from web3 import Web3
# Connect to the blockchain (Example: BSC Testnet)
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/"))
# Create a token contract (simplified)
token_contract = """
contract FakeToken {
mapping(address => uint256) balances;
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
balances[to] += amount;

2️⃣ Manipulating the Price with a Trading Bot

Scammers can use a bot to automatically buy and sell their own token, simulating high demand.

import time
import random
# Simulating mass purchases to inflate price
def pump_price():
for _ in range(50): # Simulate 50 fake purchases
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2)) # Random time intervals
def fake_buy_order():
print("Buying 100 tokens... 💰") # Simulating a purchase
# A real transaction would be sent to the token contract here
pump_price() # Execute market manipulation

3️⃣ Pulling the Liquidity and Vanishing

When the price is high and many people have invested, the scammers can execute a contract function to withdraw all the funds.

def rug_pull():
print("Executing rug pull... 🚨")
# Here, a contract function would be called to remove all liquidity


🚨 How to Avoid a Rug Pull?

If you’re investing in cryptocurrencies, consider these tips to avoid falling for a rug pull:

Check if liquidity is locked: Use tools like DEXTools to verify if the creators can withdraw funds at any time.

Review the token contract: Analyze the code on Etherscan or BscScan to detect suspicious functions like removeLiquidity().

Be cautious of projects with unknown developers: If there is no well-known team behind it, it’s a red flag.

Avoid tokens with few wallet holders: If a few people own most of the token supply, they can easily manipulate the market.

Don’t fall for FOMO: If a project seems too good to be true, it probably is.

🎯 Final Thoughts

Rug pulls have scammed thousands of investors in the crypto ecosystem. While blockchain technology brings innovation and opportunities, it is also a breeding ground for scams. It’s crucial to research before investing and never put money into something you don’t fully understand.

If you found this post helpful, give it a like and share it with your network so more people can learn about these risks. 🚀

#Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Security #Python #Web3 #Trading



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